Our Team

Comprised of Volunteers and Partners

Not your outdated cancer nonprofit.
We’re doing things different.

Misti Lund

Founder & President

“Nothing feeds cancer like a sense of hopelessness, because when we’re hopeless, we stop trying. Staying hopeful, even curious, is essential, despite all the doubt and fear cancer brings with it. It has been proven in several studies that mindset, a strong community support, body movement, healthier eating habits, and holistic services that we offer extend and maximize quality of life.Here at answer4cancer we believe it’s important that people feel the power of their own choices in controlling and maintaining their health. Often times, upon diagnosis, a person feels shock, overwhelm, and a roller coaster of emotions as they’re given the news, along with an extensive treatment plan, and then sent on their way. Sometimes they’re waiting in limbo for weeks or even months to get their insurance to approve treatment, while they sit at home in a panic and full of worry. There needs to be something in place that handles mindset, lowers anxiety, gets them grounded with clarity, promotes healthy cell production, and strengthen their immune system and physical body so that they have a higher and faster success rate when going through treatments. We want them to maximize and experience their overall sense of well being. The goal is synergy, a phenomenon in which the whole is more important than the sum of its parts. This is exactly what we do.”

Misti Lund has been recognized in 2022 as the “Top 100 Women Of Influence” by My Vegas magazine, as well as received the Hattie Henderson Community Service Award. What she’s most proud of is the “Unsung Hero Award” she received from Nevada Cancer Coalition on September 28, 2021 stating, “In appreciation of her leadership and dedication to cancer patients and survivors in Southern Nevada.” These acknowledgements are shared as reminders that the benefits of holistic programs is indeed helpful and creating a lasting impact in the lives of cancer patients in Nevada.

She’s passionate for people and has her heart set on changing the cancer journey for those going through it by giving them immediate resources and connections that are not typically readily available.

Meet our General Counsel & CFO, Brett K.E. Lund, J.D., M.B.A.

He is the Co-Founder, Board Member and Chief Legal Officer of Secura Bio, Inc. Prior to Secura, Mr. Lund was the Chief Legal Officer of Genoptix, Inc., an oncology diagnostics company, where he was responsible for all legal matters including the sale of Genoptix to NeoGenomics, Inc. (NASDAQ: NEO). Mr. Lund was previously the Chief Legal Officer of Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ: GEVO), a biotechnology company, where he led their $123mm IPO, $105mm Follow-On Public Offering and over $80mm in multiple rounds of equity financings from investors including Richard Branson’s Virgin Green Fund and Vinod Khosla’s Khosla Ventures. Mr. Lund built Gevo’s patent estate to over 500 patents and patent applications. Mr. Lund was the Chief Executive Officer and a member of the board of Agarigen, Inc. where he developed a novel protein expression platform for biologic pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and commercial enzymes. At Agarigen, Mr. Lund worked on a multi-million dollar research program for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and led the sale of Agarigen to Precigen, Inc. (NASDAQ: PGEN).

Brett Lund

General Counsel & CFO

Mr. Lund served as the head of the legal, intellectual property and licensing group and biotechnology licensing manager for Syngenta Biotechnology’s (NYSE: SYT)) biopharma business. At Syngenta, Mr. Lund led the management of intellectual property, in-licensing, out-licensing, research collaborations and strategic alliances.Mr. Lund served as Associate General Counsel for Ford Motor Company, Inc.’s Wingcast subsidiary. Mr. Lund was previously a corporate attorney at the law firm of Cooley LLP, where he represented numerous companies regarding intellectual property licensing, initial public offerings, venture capital financing, mergers and acquisitions, securities, strategic alliances and related transactions.

Mr. Lund was named the “Best Corporate Counsel” by the Denver Business Journal. He was named “Forty Under 40” by the Denver Business Journal for being one of top forty business leaders under age 40 and named one of the “Most Influential Young Professionals” in Colorado by ColoradoBiz Magazine. Mr. Lund served on the Board of Directors of the Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA), the Board of Directors of the Colorado Cleantech Industry Association (CCIA) and on the Board of Directors of Gevo Development. Mr. Lund holds a J.D. from Duke Law School, an M.B.A. from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and a B.A. from the University of California, San Diego. He is a Certified Licensing Professional by the Licensing Executives Society and has been admitted to practice law in California and North Carolina. Mr. Lund has also been a member of the American Bar Association, California Bar Association, North Carolina Bar Association, the Licensing Executives Society (LES) and the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM).